Trademark and Logo Registration 2019-01-12T08:37:17+00:00

Register Your Trademark & Secure Your Brand

Apply Today & Get A Complimentary Audit Of  Your Business Health

What you will get with our Trademark Registration Package

  • Complimentary no-obligation consultation with a dedicated IP lawyer

  • Trade name search

  • Trademark filing and permission to use the word ‘TM’ with Business name

  • Newspaper advertisement

  • Gazette Publication

  • Final trademark registration

  • Complimentary Business Health Audit with our qualified business advisor to improve the performance of your new or existing business

Apply for a trademark today & get a free business health audit

    If you created an Intellectual Property, Own it, Exploit It & Let The World Know

    Complete IP & Business Support Services

    Why you should register your trademark? Here are just a few reasons

    • Certified IP lawyers and Consultants with more than 15 years experience

    • Safeguard your rights to your trademark and prevent others from using, copying or stealing it.

    • Influence customer’s decision and enhance your brand reputation

    • Increase market share and sales through higher perceived brand value

    • Once the trade marks is registered the symbol ® or “R” or word “Registered” can be used

    A Few Of Our Clients

    Register your Trademark Today!

    Questions? Speak to a qualified IP expert now and receive a complimentary consultation